When it comes to,
courier systems,
nobody delivers
like we do.
Backed by years of industry experience, we understand the intricate complexities and challenges of parcel, post and distribution handling systems. From manual to automated systems, PROLANN solutions are designed to maximize your capital, effectively utilize your floor space and, of course, incorporate the needs of your most valuable resource: your people and space.
Working in tandem with you, we’ll develop concepts and plans for your sortation system, create installation layouts, provide fabrication drawings and assemble bid packages. The end result? Complete execution of your project that delivers beyond expectations.

• 2D and 3D sort facility concept designs to finished drawings/models ready for installation.
• Develop new CAD blocks or use blocks from customer supplied libraries.
• 2D installation drawing packages including plan views, elevation views, cross sections, complete with bills of material.
• Design and detail of conveyor support structures using standard practices. Calculations performed for support structures. Drawings ready for stamping. Stamping available in some states/provinces.
• Drawings are compliant with all major courier’s standards and specifications as well as customer standards.
• Field Services:
– On site inspection/measurement of existing conditions
– “as-built” verification
– 3D laser scanning of building facilities & equipment
– Engineering support during install